Tatiana Rose Lim never liked colouring within the lines, whether those were constructed by rules or social norms to feel and be happy. When met with negative emotions, she persisted to see the beauty in them and along the way discovered that between black and white there are an infinite amount of colour combinations. Within these colours, the Parsons School of Design alumna set out to challenge fast fashion, and give people an armour to defend themselves with, while carrying their trauma with pride – and style through LAVEAU. 

Tatiana Rose Lim describes herself as a third cultured child, feeling as if she both belongs everywhere and nowhere all at once. Having grown up between Asia and the States in a household of Chinese, Turkish, Dutch, and Portuguese descent she started looking for her identity and what she found along the way was a passion for design, instilled in every thread that is LAVEAU. 

LAVEAU centres around prints, which uniquely illustrate Lim’s so-called monsters and transform them into beautiful canvasses of wearable art. “There was a point when life hit me right in the face, I had to start dealing with the pain, stress, fear, and trauma that I had been suppressing. I think many of us can relate and have experienced a moment like this, where we need to gather the strength to rise and face the monsters we’ve been hiding. Rather than trying to get an even bigger rug to sweep these fears under, allow yourself to break free from that perfect façade, and let your greatest weakness become your greatest strength”, says Lim. LAVEAU allows people to see the beauty in their faults, their so-called scars to ultimately find happiness and strength in them.